Socionics is a fusion of science and technology that makes it possible to predict behavior and activity style of an individual, group of people, and society as a whole; to ascertain compatibility of family members and business personnel and to create teams of like-minded individuals based on natural psychological, informational, ideological and business compatibility.
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Socionics explores the laws of information processing and exchange inside an individual and inside society. Its methods can predict mentality and behavior of individuals, groups and the whole society; foresee relationship between people and analyze social and political processes. Specifics of individual information processing determine mentality. Interestingly, society as a whole (or ethnos) can be described in a similar way. It's ethno-socionics, which considers ethnos' informational structures, behavior, and ideology. Thus, political leaders may either resonate with national mentality or be rejected by it.
Socionics was recognized as a discovery and awarded socionics' founder – Aushra Augustinavichyute – with a discovery diploma and a medal named after P.L.Kapitza.
Socionics makes it possible to foretell the relationships between individuals – be it within a family, between co-workers, or even between space crew members.

are based on socionics achievements.
Theoretical developments and practical results achieved by International Institute of Socionics staff are unique; their leadership is absolute: American researchers are 25-30 years behind.
Socionics' methods are already used in sociology, political science, pedagogy, psychology, and analysis of historical processes. In late 1980s, A.Bukalov and V.Gulenko discovered new law of historical development – the "Law of Quadras' Alternativeness" – that allows to take a different view at a series of historical events including the history of the Soviet Union, totalitarianism, "perestroika", formation of Community of Independent States. All these events are just different phases of state's or nation's evolution.
Socionics is of great worth because it can show how individuals differ from each other, what exactly these differences are, and allows forecasting their behavioral responses. Therefore socionics is efficient in business. Team management is much easier, when you know exactly what you are dealing with. The same applies to pedagogy and education: what to do, if children are not alike their parents and have different value system?
But psychological aspects are only a part of socionics. It has much more potential. Everything, that man is doing and that takes place in a society, is a product of mentality, which can be analyzed by socionic methods. Many problems - cognitive, social, political, can be removed by taking into account recommendations of socionics. Socionics has all chances to become a basis of a science in the XXI century.