mentology and personality psychology'
A scientific journal published by IIS since 1994;
6 issues with annual subscription.
Subscribe to "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology" to get the latest knowledge of human beings and psychology of their behavior. It covers wide range of topics including
- human psychological additivity and compatibility,
- personality typology and psychology,
- relations between people, forecasting and developing them,
- family problems,
- age-specific development, children's upbringing and education,
- nature of erotic feelings,
- choosing your partner(s),
- historical, social, and political questions,
- description of applied socionics,
- educational materials.

"Socionics, mentology and personality psychology" is a unique periodical dedicated to theoretical and applied socionics. It is published bi-monthly since 1995.
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Management and Personnel:
Psychology of management, Socionics and Sociology
Started in 2003. 12 issues per year
The periodical is dedicated to new management technologies – including personnel management – facilitating scientific forecast of behavior and working habits of an individual, team or society as a whole, allowing to determine persons’ compatibility in business – and thus to organize teams of like-minded associates based on natural psychological, informational, ideological, and business compatibility.
Subject Scope:
- Effective enterprise management for different types of businesses;
- Formation of highly efficient teams of co-workers;
- Providing for enterprise information security;
- Staff recruitment and personnel management;
- Business management;
- Ability to understand partners and to conduct business talks;
- Evaluation of business and human compatibility;
- Ability to foresee competitors’ actions;
- Effective marketing;
- Career-guidance and career-appropriateness;
- Analysis (from a new standpoint) of current political, economic and socio-historical news and events.
"Psychology and Socionics
of interpersonal relationships"
Started in 2003. 12 issues per year
Journal’s readership would be able to take a profound look into the psychology of a partner / interlocutor, comprehend the mysteries of interpersonal attitudes, human psychology and individuality.
The publication features the best classic and contemporary papers on psychology, socionics and allied sciences:
- psychological complementarities and compatibilities of human beings;
- typology and psychology of personality;
- scientific prognostication of interpersonal relationships development;
- intra-family problems;
- children’s age-specific development, upbringing and education;
- conflict management;
- choosing life partner;
- informational structure of human psyche;
- psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, personality problem solving;
- historical and socio-political problems;
- Mentality of societies, ethnicities and states, objective laws of their interactions;
- instructional materials on socionics and psychology.
"Physics of consciousness and life,
Cosmology and Astrophysics"
Started in 2001. 4 issues per year
The existing physical picture of the world is essentially incomplete. Till now it was not possible to introduce satisfactory in physical concepts the mentality and consciousness phenomena and also the concerned life aspects. But namely the mentality operates of the alive physical body. At the same time this operation process has no adequate physical description. The quantum mechanics development has shown that the observer consciousness could not be excluded from the observation process. By other words the investigated world is connected to the concrete observers. Hence, as the consequence, it is arised the anthropological principle, connecting the presence of life and observers with the Universe physical parameters. The consideration of the terrestrial life phenomenon, the extraterrestrial life existence, the border between the lifeless and alive substances is closely connected with the Space parameters and astrophysical processes.
"Origin of language and culture:
ancient history of mankind"
Started in 2007. 6 issues per year
The linguistic department of the International Institute of Socionics (IIS) with the support of the Institute of the Ukrainian-Caucasian Investigation starts to publish new international scientific journal "Origin of language and culture: ancient history of mankind".
Necessity of such edition for a long time has ripened, as specialized editions on this theme are absent. It is paradoxical, but the question on the origin of the subject of linguistics study — the language — has appeared on periphery of its attention. And this contrasts with achievement of modern molecular biology firmly installing related links between the peoples in the world. Some distinguished linguists develop problems of an origin and evolution of most ancient languages. However, these investigations, as a rule, are separate and substantially isolated, and, therefore, could not essentially influence the opinion of world scientific community on these problems.