Socionics applications



For leaders and business people
Formation of working groups for the given purposes, selection of the staff
Elective technologies, politology and ethnosocionics
Knowledge of the human himself and his relations with other people
How to find life companion?
For teachers and parents
Choice of profession
For inventors
Socionics in medicine
Socionics for You!


For leaders and business people

Learning to determine psychological types, the businessman receives the perfect toolkit for effective activity. So, the knowledge of suggestive function of a type allows very to convince the interlocutor subtly and very effectively. The knowledge of the strong and weak features of the employees allows to organize work in the best way, to form the united and efficient working groups. The inspection with socionic methods allows to estimate potential of firm as a united psychoinformational system and to predict its development.

For the business people, managers, chiefs of the enterprises the knowledge of basic socionics allows:

— to understand the partners and correctly conduct business negotiation;
— to expect actions of the competitors;
— to conduct effective advertising activity;
— to analyze political events from a new point of view.



Formation of working groups for the given purposes, selection of the staff

Each type of the person has predisposition to the certain kinds of activity, he is a born expert for them: one is a visionary and ideas generator, another is a sober realist and sceptic; one is a expert in comfort creation, another is a fighter, irreplaceable in extreme situations. Therefore depending on the purposes, which face to working group, the combination of carriers of the quite certain types of the person is necessary. Socionics has a developed methods for formation of such groups.

For the groups working for a long time in limited space, for example, crews of the ships, planes, polar and space stations, personal compatibility is of great importance.

For socionics the personal compatibility is the most developed and tested field. Just here its application is most effective and reliable.



Elective technologies, politology and ethnosocionics

Describing the political leaders with socionic methods, it is possible much to tell about styles of their actions and motives driving them, to predict their compatibility with other politicians and their attitude to various ideologies.

The understanding of national character, mentality of ethnos, region, city, of every group of the people allows to estimate chances of politicians and reaction of the voters to any actions in election campaign.

Socionics is the effective tool in elective technologies.



Knowledge of the human himself and his relations with other people

Understanding socionic structure of his mentality, the person receives an opportunity to realize and so to supervise his state and his actions. If you feel irritation or discomfort you can find external causes for this state. Revealing the causes you can abolish the source of the conflict or retire from it. In many cases in order to compose yourself you only need a comprehension of the situation.

In associations with people you will be able to distinguish where evil will exists, as well as personal incompatibility, or recognize specifics of the type of personality and behaviour which should not be offensive for you. Knowledge of yourself and others allows you to ignore small conflicts connected with psychological incompatibility but to act in a wider range.

You would understand how to joke with a concrete person, know his interests, know when you may depend on him and when he needs your assurance. You would be able to surround yourself with those people who are comforting and calming, at work and at recreation. If you are a chief it would be no problem for you to decide how to distribute tasks among your staff in order to achieve the maximum effect.

Socionic thinking gives the person more confidence.



How to find life companion?

The family is the most vivid example, when the people should communicate constantly and to act the greater time in the closed space, when increase of a psychological distance is very inconvenient. Just here personal compatibility to the greatest degree determines, whether the partners can achieve family happiness.

Socionics allows you to distinguish persons in many respects compatible with you psychologically and sexually.


For teachers and parents

Socionics gives the teachers all opportunities for successful introduction in practice of individualized and profile training of the pupils and students educational methods most precisely appropriated to abilities of everyone.

The educational groups collected by socionic methods surpass in progress ordinary groups.

Socionics allows parents to understand their children and children to understand their parents.

You can already see the child's talents and abilities in the earliest age so to develop and to realize them.



Choice of profession

If a person acts according to his own strong functions he obtains results effectively and with pleasure. If his activity requires mainly the application of his weak functions, a person quickly tires, becomes neurotic, discontent with life and may even suffer from psychosomatic diseases.

Socionics helps young people to choose profession which not only would give them satisfaction but also would allow to achieve outstanding results.

The change of job and training for a new profession in mature age may often be exceedingly distressing. Stereotypes and psychological installations complicate a person when he is choosing a new activity.

Socionics helps you to find the job you would like.


For inventors

Socionics allows to collect creative groups of the inventors, in which the "brain storm" occurs in natural way.

You can solve any problem.


Socionics in medicine

The knowledge of mechanisms of influence on a information metabolism type allows considerably to increase the efficiency of medical procedures connected with suggestion. For example, socionics is already used for successful treatment of alcohol related addictions.

The selection of the patients in chambers of hospitals, sanatoriums etc. with the help of socionic methods allows considerably to increase treatment efficiency and to speed up recovery process.



Socionics for You!