British and East European Psychology Group - BEEPG
P.4: Interesting material came from the Institute of Socionics, Kiev, who advise new Russian enterprises such as Gasprom on organisational issues.
Fink G. and Mayrhofer W. Cross-cultural competence and management – setting the stage // European J. Cross-Cultural Competence and Management. - 2009. - Vol. 1. - No. 1. - Pp.
P.53: Personality profiling encompasses numerous models that arise from personality trait theory. In the context of this article, four models deserve special attention due to their importance in personality research and/or their appropriateness for the topic: Socionics (founded in the 1970s by Ausra Augustinavichiute, e.g., Augustinavichiute, 1994, 1998); cybernetic mindscape theory (Maruyama, 1980; Boje, 2004); the five factor model (FFM), commonly called the ‘big five’ personality trait model (Costa and McCrae, 1992); the personality type theory of the Myers-Briggs type inventory (MBTI, see McKenna et al., 2002). These models are independent and unrelated, though Boje (2004) made an attempt to connect MBTI and mindscape theory.
Betty Lou Leaver, Madeline Ehrman,Boris Shekhtman Achieving Success in Second Language Acquisition. - Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 280 p. - ISBN 052154663X, 9780521546638
P.118: Like the MBTI, soionics is a sixteen-type derivative of Jung's work. Unlike the MBTI, the socionics model, which is in wide use in Eastern and Western Europe, as well as throughout Eurasia, Central Asia, and the Baltic nations, strives to stay very close to the original descriptions and type labels suggested by Jung.
Reinhard Blutner, Elena Hochnadel Two qubits for C.G. Jung’s theory of personality // Cognitive Systems Research. - 2010. - Vol. 11, Issue 3. - Pp.243–259
P.237: Despite of several similarities there are also important differences. For instance, the MBTI is based on questionnaires with so-called forced-choice questions. Forcedchoice means that the individual has to choose only one of two possible answers to each question. Obviously, such tests are self-referential. That means they are based on judgments of persons about themselves. Socionics rejects the use of such questionnaires and is based on interviews and direct observation of certain aspects of human behavior instead. However, if personality tests are well constructed and their questions are answered properly, we expect results that often make sense. For that reason, we do not reject test questions principally, but we have to take into account their self-referential character. Another difference relates to the fact that socionics tries to understand Jung’s intuitive system and to provide a deeper explanation for it, mainly in terms of informational metabolism (Kepinski & PZWL, 1972). Further, socionics is not so much a theory of personalities per se, but much more a theory of type relations providing an analysis of the relationships that arise as a consequence of the interaction of people with different personalities.
P.237, цитата: ...there are three different systems that make use of the 16 types. The first system is the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI). The second system is the scheme of socionics. The third and possibly the most developed system is the Singer–Loomis inventory of personality (SLIP).
Horwood J., Maw A. Theatre Teams Assembled Using Personality Profiles Can Improve Predicted Teamworking Scores // Bulletin of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. - 2012. - Vol. 94. - No 3. - Pp. 1-6
P.1: Socionics is a relatively new science developed and popularised byAusra Augustinaviciute in the 1970s.
Augustinaviciute and her colleagues worked with Carl Jung’s personality typologies to develop personalitybased relationship profiles. It was found that the nature and development of interpersonal relationships (both professional and personal) are far from random. Instead, they are based on how well suited each individual’s psychological profiles are to one another, allowing Augustinaviciute to develop 16 ‘socionic types’ (Table 2) predicting and describing the interpersonal relationships between any combination of Jung’s personality types. Augustinaviciute’s work was published in the Russian literature but translations of her work and a wealth of further information regarding the development and application of socionics can be found on a number of websites (such as http://www.socionics.com/ and http://www.socionics.us/) and in books.8,9
Ласло-Куцюк М. Ключ до белетристики. – Бухарест: Мустанг, 2002.—291с. - ISBN - 973-99400-6-4
Цитата: соціоніка може стати прекрасним знаряддям розуміння хисту письменників, типології персонажів їхніх творів. Водночас література може стати і матеріалом для подальшого розвитку самої соціоніки як проміжної науки між психологією та соціологією.
M.Laszlo-Kutiuk Ghid de autocunoastere. Elemente de socionica – Bucuresti, Grupul Drago Print, Fed Print SA, 2000. - ISBN 973-97141-5-3
Александрова Н.Х., Бояджиева Н., Сапунджиева К., Коларова Ц.Д. Социониката в социалната сфера - София : Унив. изд. Св. Климент Охридски, 2004. - 149 с.
Цитата (перевод): Соционика - надежный инструмент для оптимизации и развития личности людей, для исследования их профессиональной компетентности. В сущности соционика ориентирует человека в его жизни, подсказывает, как реализовать свои возможности, как стать профессиональным или найти работу, отвечающую его мнениям и пожеланиям. В зависимости от типа можно определить профессиональные склонности человека и его способности - даже те, для проявления которых не было случая. Особая привлекательность соционики в том, что ее понятия могут быть извлечены и применяться во всем, что связано с деятельностью человека. В этом случае, это позволит оптимизировать социально-педагогическую работу и подготовку студентов - социальных педагогов.
Гошева М.И. Социониката като инструмент в консултирането на учениците от гимназиален етап на образование // е-Обр@зов@ние. - 2010. - № 37. - С.47-56
Цитата: Социониката е наука, изучаваща обмен на информация между човека и външния свят, т.е по какъв начин хората възприемат, преработват и изнасят информация. „По своята същност социониката е един нов подход към личността и анализ на отношенията между хората; тя е една възможност цялостно и всестранно да разбираш ругите и себе си, да приемаш другите и себе си, а също така и умението за създаване и установяване на нужното взаимодействие с различни хора” (1)
Литов Д., Янев К. Хората като типове и техните взаимоотношения //Инсайт. - София, 2006. - № 12.
Edward Wilson, Wes Unruh The Art of Memetics. - 2008. - 209 p. - ISBN 1435771389, 9781435771383
P.137: …for short term interactions we prefer Dr.Leary's system and for longer term relationships we would then attempt to establish the MBTI or socionic type.
Gwyneth Daniel UTMOST EXTRICATION. Why Henry Hellyer Shot Himself. - Willows Books Publishing, 2010. - 196 p. - ISBN 1901375196, 9781901375190
P.30: A 'socionic' analysis (Barron-Tieger and Tieger, 1995) of the introverted 'feeling' and 'perceiving' type suggested the following,…
Yuan-Ting Chiu Follow Yourself: A Game of Personality, Habit and
Change // A thesis submitted to the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University
P.4: As for personality types, there are several major theories. For example, DISC assessment, Enneagram of Personality, Four Temperaments, Humorism, Keirsey Temperament Theory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Socionics, Type A and Type B Personality Theory, Big Five Personality Traits, Personality Psychology, and Trait Theory, to name a few.
Sophie Sabatier, Charles Oppenheim The ILS professional in the City of London personality and glass ceiling issues // Journal of librarianship and Information science. - 2001. - Vol. 33. - No. 3. - Pp.145-156.
Abstract: Presents a literature review of the common theories of personality and the testing methods used to determine people’s personality types. Reports results of a survey of a sample of 53 librarians and their managers working in financial institutions in the City of London. The Integrated Psychological Type Indicator (IPTI) personality testing instrument was used to investigate the so-called ‘glass ceiling’ issues, the invisible barrier existing in organizations, particularly that discriminating against groups such as women. Findings indicated that the major glass ceiling issues are not related to gender as much as commitment, where library and information science (LIS) staff tend not to have sufficient commitment to corporate goals. The personalities of LIS staff differed from those measured in earlier studies. LIS staff in the City of London are extroverted and exhibit business qualities, reflecting the needs of their employers. Concludes that further research is needed to assess whether this reflects a trend throughout the profession, or simply reflects their particular field of employment.
Zilite L. Toward a Typology of Learning Styles Among Tourism Students / In book: Research, Planning and Policy: Emerging Trends in Baltic and Nordic Lifelong Learning. Editors: Ilsley P., Karing J., Kerulis M. - Published co-operation with University of Tampere, University of Tartu and Tallinn University, 2008. – 263p. - Pp.233-245.
Zilite L. Akademiska personala darba pievilcibas faktori (The factors of academic personnel work appeal) // Proceedings. 4th International Scientific Conference ”New Dimensions in the Development of Society”. September 25-26, 2008, Jelgava, Latvia. - 2008. - Pp. 294-301 - ISBN 978-9984-784-92-2
Abstract: Teaching staff is the most important study resource, available to students and that is why it is important that teaching staff itself is motivated and do the work which completely meets the interests and abilities. In the work to solve organization problems the use of social technologies (socionics and its western analogue Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI) rapidly increases because the heads of enterprises and employees recognize their being useful. Knowledge of them facilitates negotiations about individual wishes and gives to the leader’s rational structure about the needs of organization’s people.
Zilite L. Socionika turisma izglitiba.// Jauni turisma produkti regionu attistibai [Elektroniskais resurss]: rakstu krajums. – Riga: Biznesa augstskola Turiba, 2007. - ISBN 9789984766935
Zilite L. Список публикаций
Lytaev S., Voronov A. et al. War against Terrorism: New Challenges to Military Personnel Selection // Proc. 47th annual conference the International Military Testing Association (IMTA). - Singapore, 2005.
Socionic types are based on information metabolism (IM), which is the process of perception and processing of information [2, 3, 10]. IM is described by eight elements characterizing information-, energy-, space-, and time relationships (Table).
The functional model [9] allows analyzing characteristics of every type. The functions reflect zones of confidence, ignoring, creativity, norms, self-appraisal, problem solving, dependence, fears of a person. Graphic representation of the model is called Kalinauskas’s wheel (fig. 3).
Anna Zhuravleva and Irina Koroleva The new distant method of identifying personality traits by speech // Applied Psycholinguistics. Positive Effects and Ethical Perspectives. / Ed. by Giuseppe Mininni, Amelia Manuti. - FrancoAngeli, 2012. - Pp.119-125
P.123: Speech database for expert training - 130 speakers: 90 males and 40 females [19, 21]. Speech material: spontaneous dialogues by phone (5 min). Speakers testing method: filling questionnaries: Kettle, Eyzenk, socionic test (Gulenko, Myers-Briggs), test accentuation (Zhuravleva). Test material: 34 speakers…
Reinhard Landwehr «Bundestagwahl 2005: sozionisch gesehen» 16. September 2005
Reinhard Landwehr «Sozionik – eine neue Psychoreligion oder eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Lebenshilfe?»
Sergei Moshenkov, Wing Tung Tang MBTI and Socionics: Legacy of Dr. Carl Jung. - CreateSpace, 2010. - 216 p. - ISBN 1452835640, 9781452835648
MBTI and Socionics are contemporary sister sciences that categorize and describe human personality types in accordance to the predominance of certain mental faculties called psychic functions by Dr. Carl Jung. These sciences have already received much approval in the business and the counseling communities around the world.
Spencer Stern Socionics Demystified: A New Social Psychology for Understanding Relationships. - 2007. - 240 p. - ISBN 184753595X, 9781847535955
Socionics, a comparatively new Social Psychology from the 1970's was exposed primarily by Lithuanian Sociologist Aushra Augusta. It also includes work from Carl Jung's Psychological Types, Sigmund Freud's work on the conscious and subconscious and incorporates Antoni Kepinski's informational metabolism theory. Socionics Demystified introduces us to the sixteen psychological or personality types broken down by their Jungian functions or attitudes.
Rod Novichkov, Julia Varabyova How to Find Yourself and Your Best Match. Socionics. The Modern Approach to Psychological Types. - 2007. - 88 p. - ISBN 1430328150, 9781430328155
Finally, there is a Socionics book in English. This book describes the four dichotomies: Perception - Conception, Extraversion - Introversion, Intuition - Sensing, Intellect - Emotions. It gives an elaborate description of Psychological Functions and Scales. The authors introduce a completely new approach to intertype relationships, subdividing the sixteen types of relationships into four clusters and seven compatibility levels. This book offers a unique and authentic method of Visual Identification of types, including references to pictures of real people placed face to face by their Psychological Functions. The reader should be able to instantly identify Psychological types by their facial features.Distribution tables show the distribution of Psychological Functions, Scales and Types in the population, as well as the probability of finding the best match for each type. List of celebrities by their types is included.
Harry Perdew It's More Than Words - Reading People from the Outside In: The Astonishing Power of Face Reading. - AuthorHouse, 2006. - 220 p. - ISBN 1425940749, 9781425940744
P.4: … For example, the personality type theory Socionics uses physiognomy in its personality type descriptions, and subjects such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) make common reference to body types and eye movements, together with language styles, in order to …
Ekaterina Kamenskaya, Georgy Kukharev Recognition of Psychological Characteristics from Face // Metody Informatyki Stosowanej. - 2008. - nr 1. - P.59-73.
P.63: Physical appearance characteristics such as appearance of some facial features, of the skull, shoulders, hands, fingers, legs, type of mimics and voice may define personality traits. For example, it’s used in socionics (see Table 2) that is a branch of psychology based on Carl Jung’s work on Psychological Types.
Isaev V. Tetrasociology and socionics: Foundations for harmonious teams of dialog // Tetrasociology: from a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. - Saint-Petersburg: SPBSTU Publishing House, 2003. - ISBN 5-7422-0445-Х
Цитата: Socionics approaches psychological functions as types of informational resources and of informational supplies (or metabolism, exchange), which are developed differently in different persons. Socionics distinguishes several levels of informational balance or harmony. The elementary level of harmony/balance is "dyad" ("dual"), formed by a pair of people whose respective types of informational exchange complement each other. The next level of harmony/balance is "quadra," formed by two mutually complementary and reciprocally activated dyads. The third level of harmony/balance is "socion," formed by four unconflicted, mutually complementary, and reciprocally activated quadras. Socion comprises all 16 types of psychological functions, which complement one another and represent the smallest unit of harmonious humankind, or a miniature model of harmonious society.
Kramarenko R.A., Davidson E.A. Russian national character. Socionic interpretation // Proceedings - 9th Russian-Korean International Symposium on Science and Technology, KORUS-2005, 26.06.2005-02.07.2005, Novosibirsk
Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B., Chykyrysova G.V. Forecasting psychological, business and informational compatibility in space flights, in aviation and aerospace technologies // 9th Ukrainian Conference on Space Research, Yevpatoria, 2009. Abstracts. — Kyiv, 2009. — P.104.