International Institute of Socionics

The International Institute of Socionics is a scientific organization.
It was founded in 1991 in Kiev, Ukraine.

IIS main activities:

  1. Development of applied socionic and psychological techniques aimed at formation and reorganization of differently structured groups of people.
  2. Development and utilization of management techniques for teams of various structure.
  3. Improvement of pedagogical techniques on the basis of the socionics theory and practice.
  4. Development of new advertising and marketing principles and methods.
  5. Popularization and proliferation of socionic knowledge, coordination of research activities in socionics and allied sciences.
  6. Conducting of socionics seminars and trainings.
  7. Development of theoretical grounds of socionics as a doctrine of information exchange. Advancement of applied socionics as a new instrument in humanities and natural sciences.
  8. Modeling of individual and integrated (social) mentality and informational aspects of its interaction with the environmen.
  9. Study of psycho-informational personal types and intertype relationships.
  10. Analysis of social, political and historical processes.
  11. Analysis of ethnos and states mentality (ethno-socionics, integrated socionics), ideological, philosophical and religious systems.
  12. Theoretical and practical study of mental phenomena within the framework of a new direction - physics of consciousness.
  13. Study of transpersonal mental sphere.

Since 1991, International Institute of Socionics hosts annual international socionics conferences, publishes scientific journals “Socionics, mentology and personal psychology”, “Management and Personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology”, “Psychology and Socionics of interpersonal relations” and other related literature.

IIS has many years of successful hands-on experience working with management teams and staff of large enterprises. The cutting edge of socionics, psychology and computer modeling —


are applied and extensively used.

S-technologies facilitate simulating of different situations within a team – and to predict the effects of recruitment and appointment of personnel, internal reorganizations, etc.


Calls and messages:
perm_phone_msg / Viber / Telegram / : (+38096) 088-56-77
Networks and channels:

    International Institute of Socionics on facebook          International Institute of Socionics youtube channel     

Representative offices of IIS:
Germany - Georgia - Russia - Ukraine