Annual (37th) International Socionics Conference online
The annual 37th International Socionics Conference “Psycho-informational technologies, personnel management and personality psychology” will be held on-line from 18 to 23 September 2021. Conference organizers: International Institute of Socionics and the editorial staff of the “" Socionics, mentology and personality psychology” journal. Anyone can take part, provided payment of the registration fee.
⇒ More: 37th International Socionics Conference
⇒ More: 37th International Socionics Conference
Lectures by A.V. Bukalov on YouTube
On our YouTube channel are records of lectures by A.V. Bukalov from the House of Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and reports at conferences on socionics, and other videos.
Electronic versions of socionic journals
In our bookstore are electronic versions of journals on socionics, psychology and management, both recently released and the full archive from 2012. There are also e-books and reprints of articles.
Distance learning courses in socionics
International Institute of Socionics invites to distance learning courses on socionics. Each lesson contains video lectures and a large number of practical examples and exercises. You can at a convenient time and at your own pace master a new understanding of yourself, your abilities and capabilities, understand relationships with loved ones, children, colleagues and boss, learn to see the strengths and weaknesses of anyone person. Everyone can use this knowledge in personal life, business, recruiting, upbringing and education of children, as a tool for understanding partners or clients and working effectively with them, in management and much more. Speakers and authors of the courses: Director of MIS, Ph.D. A.V. Bukalov , chief editor of the “
Management and Personnel...» journal and Deputy Director of MIS, Doctor of Philosophy O.B. Karpenko.
Socionic consultations via Zoom or Skype
Individual and family consultations have become more accessible to residents of other cities: now you can take an individual consultation with the staff of the International Institute of Socionics via Zoom or Skype. The rich experience of MIS employees gives them the opportunity to advise remote clients with the same efficiency as with face-to-face contact.
Socionic Methods in Effective Management
Everything you need to know about socionics in management - from basic concepts to specific examples - in the book by Alexander Bukalov and Olga Karpenko “ Methods socionics in effective management ".
All their many years of experience in socionic and organizational consulting of collectives, conducting trainings for leaders and business owners, as well as HR managers have been put into the book " Socionics methods in effective management ". The book will be useful to everyone who practically works with people: practical psychologists, organizational consultants, business owners, executives and managers of all levels.
The book describes the theory and practical methods of practical application of modern socionics and its technologies for the selection of personnel, the creation or reorganization of working teams and collectives. Special attention is paid to the issues of practical diagnostics and determination of socionic types. The authors - heads of the International Institute of Socionics - build their presentation on the basis of their many years of experience in conducting consulting work and trainings in the teams of 150 companies, firms, banks, sanatoriums, government institutions of a number of countries, including 50 main and related enterprises and organizations of RAO Gazprom in the Far North ... Principles for creating effective leadership teams are outlined with numerous examples. Such teams have a high efficiency, natural psychological, business and information compatibility is achieved in them, and
The book describes the theory and practical methods of practical application of modern socionics and its technologies for the selection of personnel, the creation or reorganization of working teams and collectives. Special attention is paid to the issues of practical diagnostics and determination of socionic types. The authors - heads of the International Institute of Socionics - build their presentation on the basis of their many years of experience in conducting consulting work and trainings in the teams of 150 companies, firms, banks, sanatoriums, government institutions of a number of countries, including 50 main and related enterprises and organizations of RAO Gazprom in the Far North ... Principles for creating effective leadership teams are outlined with numerous examples. Such teams have a high efficiency, natural psychological, business and information compatibility is achieved in them, and