

The International Institute of Socionics offers you:

  • Services for definition of personality type (your and other people with the detailed description of types and recommendations), forecasting of behavior of the people, establishing of the relations with other people necessary for you necessary for you.
  • Complete purposeful formation of new staffs for banks and other commercial structures according to a kind of activity and solving tasks. Thus the complete psychological, informational and business compatibility of the staff members and selection of the necessary chiefs is achieved, that provides much higher, in comparison with usual staffs, working efficiency.
  • Conduction of socionic examinations of commercial structures, increase of activity efficiency of already existing collectives, elimination of conflict situations, optimum rearrangement of the staff in conditions of reorganization.
  • The selection of the candidates on vacant posts, especially on key posts, with maintenance of complete psychological, informational and business compatibility both with a direct management and with staff.
  • Formation of working collective for the concrete chief with maintenance of complete psychological, informational and business compatibility.
  • In addition to the specified services the training on socionic concepts and new methods of work with the people is conducting.
  • The complete confidentiality and, if necessary, anonymity of services is provided at the request of the customer.


The largest enterprises, banks, and firms in Russia, Ukraine,
and other countries are among our clients.

The International Institute of Socionics developed the computer programs allowing, on the basis of the data received at interview, to simulate a situation in collective and to predict results of rearrangements, reorganization, filling of vacancies. The programs allow to determine a so-called integrated type of collective as single unit, its "character", features of its interaction with a management, effectiveness ratio of interaction for all collective, for any of its division and for each member of collective.

The report (150-300 pages) as the reference book on collective, with the descriptions of the main psychological features of the employees, relations and character of interactions inside collective, recommendations for correction of collective, improvement of its psychological climate, optimization of conditions of its functioning is given to the customer as a result of our work. The report is accompanied with the oral explanations. All material moves in a form accessible for layman, that allows the chief to use it in work at once.

If necessary, we consult on a constant basis, for a number of years tracing dynamics of changes in collective, on a basis of already available data.


  • For letters:
    International Institute of Socionics

    a/s 23, Kiev-206, 02206, Ukraine
  • phone: (+38096) 088-56-77
    mail: 123@socionic.info